Orthopedic Manual Therapy
What is “manual therapy?”
Manual therapy is a term used to distinguish many different types of hands-on therapies from the overall term “massage.” While massage implies a more relaxation focused experience, manual therapy suggests a therapeutic focus. My treatments are custom tailored, guided by individual assessments specific to each client. Experiencing this work, whether it is on the table as a client, or it is as a practitioner providing the session, is like watching a professional dancer or athlete – it appears to be effortless and easy, while the effect is profound and deeply moving…
My training is in Hendrickson Method® Orthopedic Massage. Most people compare my work to a combination of massage with physical therapy principles and exercise rehabilitation homework. the work is based on the scientific principles of physiology, kinesiology and neurology utilizing the simplicity of the neural system to release chronic holding patterns in a person’s body. I combine the deeply clinical effects of neurological pattern releases with a mastery of touch. This work is grounded in a thorough study of anatomy and the patterns of dysfunction that result from a vast number of orthopedic conditions. I can reduce, or eliminate the pain associated with these dysfunctional patterns, be they from recent (acute) injury or chronic conditions.
More clinical than a typical massage while it is profoundly relaxing to receive.
What is often a surprise to first time clients is that most of the session is performed in a side-lying position. This “fetal” position is a typical sleeping posture, and often elicits an immediate, deep sense of relaxation and safety.
Throughout the session, I perform gentle resistance procedures in order to release deeply rooted holding patterns in the client’s muscles. This is also the method we utilize to release stiff joints and help to lubricate the deeper joint structure.
The strokes are clinically deep, while the touch perceived by the client feels broad and gentle. It is common for clients to express surprise when they feel the dramatic change in their body at the end of the session, as the work feels less clinical and much more like a profoundly relaxing experience.